Open Online SPC Main Page

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Currently, I cannot found any open source SPC system in the market which is really full fill manufacturing need. In my opinion, key component of a SPC system (I am not a statistician, maybe my opinion is wrong and please correct me) is:-

  1. Data Entry

  2. Difference kind of tool to generate difference kind of Graph/Chart

  3. Spreadsheet

  4. Good database design to manage the data

  5. Method to input data must fast and efficient

  6. Some alert or feed back mechanism to alert user

Same with the name, this project is develop with the objective of 'Open source', 'online', 'statistical process control'. I start this project in here because of I'd been assign a task to make current SPC system to real time in my company. All quality data and summary must keep in a database for Engineering Department to do analysis. Simple summary data must be generate at QA Inspector data entry GUI. If possible, this system must able to monitor production quality status automatically, alert will be generater via web gui, email or sms to production person incharge. Extimated this project included:-


To produce a complete SPC system to automatically monitor production quality status, necessary alert and suggestion will be generated to QA, Engineering and Production department. Hopefully this project can help quality of manufacturing company always in control.

Functionality in 1st stage

At the beginning, this project will only focus on setting up a flexible platform. The functionality included:-

  1. Add/Remove QA Inspection GUI without modify source code

  2. Setting up control spec for all inspection station

  3. Generate simple data analysis at QA Inspection parallelism, average, maximum, minimum, Accept or NG.

  4. Basic security to control user and role

  5. Routine to reduce the Database server load to minimum.

Current Status

Current status already finnish the 1st stage pseudocode, complete program estimated for 1st stage will come out soon.


Basically this project really deman somebody who is familiar in manufacturing company, familiar in JAVA, MySQL and tomcat (At beginning stage we will develop this project in MySQL5, J2SDK1.5, Tomcat 5.5, Eclipse, Fedora Core 2 Server). Any programmer who are familiar with it and interested in our project are welcome to contact me.

By kstan_79 (

Updated on 2005-10-29